Qualify for Development and Climate Finance. Deploy Capital to Agribusiness Reliably. Transition to Sustainable Agriculture.
Adapt to a Changing Climate.

Qualify for Development and Climate Finance. Deploy Capital to Agribusiness Reliably.
Transition to Sustainable Agriculture.
Adapt to a Changing Climate.



Predictive Analytics & Software for DFIs, Banks and Value Chain Actors.

Unlock climate and development finance for your organization

Combine climate analytics into an automated agri-credit risk process

Ensure ESG compliance via smart monitoring

Use Cases

  • SME Agribusinesses

    We provide climate-smart accounting software to help digitize existing SME Agribusinesses

  • Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)

    Ensure your capital is flowing to farming practices that promote climate mitigation and adaptation.

  • Banks

    Significantly reduce the time and cost in finding new agribusiness, monitoring existing businesses and significantly reducing non-performing loans.

  • Public-Private Partnerships

    Monitor and optimize the performance of your support schemes using artificial intelligence


Products & Services


Advanced Predictive Analytics

Machine Learning Models for Climate and Agribusiness Risks
  • Agri-Risk Machine Learning Models

    We develop best-in-class machine learning models that covers all aspects of risk analysis that agribusinesses face in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Climate Risk

    All of these analytics incorporate climate risk instrincally into their models.

  • Impact Monitoring & Evaluation

    These analytics also remotely measure farmland health and farmland management practice to help your organization meet its Impact goals.


Integrated Accounting Platform

Connecting Value Chain Actors For Ease of Coordination and Increased DFI Capital Flows
  • Standalone Accounting Tools

    We develop accounting tools for each value chain actor separately so they can manage their operations in a user-optimised way. Each accounting tool has our Predictive Analytics suite embedded into the tool.

  • Transparency Through Integration

    The integrations between the separate platforms allow for transparency along the value chain - which enables funders to extend credit with confidence.

  • Transition through Transparency

    We help agriculture value chains and the actors working along them to confidentially and incrementally transition their farming practices towards sustainable and climate-resilient farming practices.


Agribusiness Advisory Services

60+ years combined experience in Agribusiness Advisory
  • Blended Implementation Model

    Our agribusiness advisory teams blended agribusiness consulting services with our software and data science development teams to tailor our solutions to your use case.

  • DFI, Government and Bank-Side Consulting Services

    Our team has worked with the likes of the EBRD, IFC, GIZ - including designing and implement agricultural value chain finance schemes for Public-Private Partnership of Lesotho, Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia - to name a few

  • Primary Production Systems Consulting Services

    Our agribusiness advisory team has been working with farmers and trainers of farmers to help them transition towards regenerative agricultural practices.


Our Team


Waleed Khoury

(Chief Executive Officer)
Sustainability | Product Management | Go-To-Market

Kephas Indangasi

(Executive Director, Agricultural Finance)
Market Systems | Ecosystems Strengthening | Agricultural Value Chain

Alex Kosenkov

(Chief Technology Officer)
Macro | Marketplaces | Numeric | Probabilistic Computing

Demetris Soukeras

(Chief Scientific Officer)
Mathematic Simulation | Quantitative Forecasting | Physics Modelling

Qualify for Climate and Development Finance

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